Friday, June 12, 2009

First Friday

It's my first, and it's Friday.
Really dragging today, as I procrastinated terribly to complete a project for work and wound up awake far too long last night...or was it this morning? Whatever. I'm lacking sleep, mentally foggy, and a little grouchy.
Barely saw the kiddos yesterday or today, and I feel badly about that, but they don't seem to notice. I could be saddened by that, but I'll take comfort in the fact that their playing well together.
Race day tomorrow. My first trail run...4 miles. It said ideal for the beginning trail runner. We'll see. At least I'll have my dear friend to share the experience!
I must More on the race tomorrow. And maybe something more interesting for the reader.
Turning in.


  1. Hi,

    I thought I had better leave a comment as I am your very first follower.

    I look forward to following your running and writing!


  2. Wow! Thanks! As I'm a lousy blogger...I just saw the comments. LOL. I appreciate the kind words. :)
