K...here's the report:
Sunday - 8 miles (time??), mostly flat path. I rememeber feeling good on this one, as I couldn't wait to get to it after the car ride.
Monday - rest. Walked 5 mi.
Tuesday - 4 miles with Lilly (who overate and didn't run all week at Aunt Robin's. Poor doggy...she struggled a bit.)
Weds - 8 miles, road, very hilly, walked some, (1:12). I was disappointed with the time, so much that I've since ditched the watch on occasion. Became too obsessed over pace, and forgot to just enjoy the run. :(
Thurs - 4 mi., path, heavy legs. Sore and tired from the hills yesterday. Got it done though. Watch free.
Friday - rest
Saturday - 12 mi. long run. (1:41), mostly flat path. Farthest ever in my life, and I felt terrific! Lilly even made it. Most of the run I felt good, breathing steady, no pain. Around mile 10 I started to feel the calf aching, quads and knees talking to me. Last mile was tough, but I was so happy to know I was going to take the 12, that I didn't care. Rest of the day...I was high as a kite! Nothing could rattle me. Amazing feeling.
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