Friday, August 21, 2009

week 7

Tough week. Tired. So tired. High temps and humidity all week. Oppressive.
Sunday: X-train. elliptical, 60 min @25 elev. & 10 resistance. @ 50-60 rpm. (I have no idea what that info means, but I did a lot of sweating.)
Monday: 4 miles on path. Mostly flat, slight hill. Time - ? PM run...yeah, not a big fan.
Tuesday: 7 miles on path. Time=1:02. Slow, tough. Stopped twice. Boo. :(
Weds: 4 miles. 15 min on treadmill, immed. followed by road run. Time=? It was messy. I officially HATE the treadmill.
Thursday: rest
Friday: 14 miles on path. Time=1:58:02. Very pleased with the time. Heat and humidity were at all time high. Stopped once for GU and H2O, twice to let Lilly get water in the creek. Feeling a satisfied exhaustion. Really sore right lwr gluteus. Oh, and I attempted my first ice bath. Hated it. (Are you supposed to yell out from the chilling pain? Maybe I did something wrong.) Only made it 5 min. Haha. Pansy.
Saturday: planned 5K @ 5 PM. We'll see. Update to follow.

1 comment:

  1. i'm with you...hate the treadmill. only use it in dire circumstances
