Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Week 4...late.

Home from vacation, and feeling like I needed another to rest from the first, the start of this week was tough. I kept the long run on Sunday for this week due to coming home from vacation. It was great to get out and stretch the legs (and arms and back and fingers and toes) after the 8 hour ride. Not much to say other than that b/c I didn't keep notes and I forget most of how I felt. Darn...Fail. Will have remedy that for the upcoming week.'s the report:

Sunday - 8 miles (time??), mostly flat path. I rememeber feeling good on this one, as I couldn't wait to get to it after the car ride.
Monday - rest. Walked 5 mi.
Tuesday - 4 miles with Lilly (who overate and didn't run all week at Aunt Robin's. Poor doggy...she struggled a bit.)
Weds - 8 miles, road, very hilly, walked some, (1:12). I was disappointed with the time, so much that I've since ditched the watch on occasion. Became too obsessed over pace, and forgot to just enjoy the run. :(
Thurs - 4 mi., path, heavy legs. Sore and tired from the hills yesterday. Got it done though. Watch free.
Friday - rest
Saturday - 12 mi. long run. (1:41), mostly flat path. Farthest ever in my life, and I felt terrific! Lilly even made it. Most of the run I felt good, breathing steady, no pain. Around mile 10 I started to feel the calf aching, quads and knees talking to me. Last mile was tough, but I was so happy to know I was going to take the 12, that I didn't care. Rest of the day...I was high as a kite! Nothing could rattle me. Amazing feeling.

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